About me

A lively blend of city and countryside

What?  Someone from the country side wants to show us Vienna? Yes, that’s right: Because… that’s me! An Upper Austrian soul whose heart has belonged to Vienna for two decades now. A lively blend of city and countryside that opens the door for you to experience a piece of Vienna from a different perspective.

Growing up in my family’s restaurant and agriculture-focused business in the border area between Austria and Bavaria, warm-hearted hospitality, an open and friendly manner of interacting with people and a close affinity to nature have always been an integral part of my life.

I developed my strong foundation for the tourism sector while completing my degree in Tourism Management. My professional path has taken me to a diverse range of countries throughout Europe and cities such like Glasgow, London, Milan or Zurich, yet I always made sure to stay down-to-earth even in this international working environment.

In the course of the comprehensive training to become a certified tourist guide – in Austria, this trade is regulated and is concluded with a committee examination in German and an additional tour language, which in my case was English – it became clear to me that I now had the opportunity to take my roots, combined with my great passions such as history, geography and culture, as well as my love for organizing events, and make this my vocation.

I consider it my mission as a certified tourist guide to show you my wonderful Vienna, the city in which my own family is now growing up, in an individual, friendly, entertaining and natural manner.

Get in touch with me! I look forward to hearing from you. Why precisely now? If not now, then when?